6 Important Tips to use Facebook

For those who are addicted to FacebookThere is a great news for nowIn order to get down on all the time
And you updates from FacebookNot have to stay. YouEasily find the news, seeing massage
Using the browser extensionOr send your status andSome make great because
Updating facilities. In addition to yourFacebook experienceAny picture that you want
Extension of the photo to zoom inSpecial facilities with which youYou can see.
Let's assume that 6 browser About Extension

1 . Social Fixture (Social fixar) An extension of the social Fixture For almost all the browsers However, work on the internet Fixture Explorer badesosala In addition to filter the news feed You may hide posts For example, you have already read Birthday notification . You If you like your toolbar Paribartanaanate or fonts You can increase the size .
2. Photo Zoom (Photo zoom)
Photo Zoom for Chrome users is
An extension killer
You can see pictures of the facility .
This means that the cursor over the photo
Remember the big show .
3. Edablaka Plus (Adblock plus)
Plus edablaka the Chrome , Firefox ,
Safari , Internet Explorer
A popular users
Blocker . This is because Facebook
Remove a variety of banners and popups.
In addition, other websites
From Social Media Response
That is, the response of the button block
You like , or share button
Wants to .

4 . Hutaleta (Hootlet)
Hutaleta of the Chrome and Firefox
The rush for a service suite
Bhibinna content extension
For the post of many social
Media platform that aggregates
Into a dash - board . Of
As a result of the extension of a subidhahala
Hutasyuta website without you
Share your posts to Facebook
Your browser allows .
5. Facebook for Chrome (Facebook for crome)
Facebook for Chrome is a tremendous
Extension . Of you
Find news feed , notifications ,
Status updates , messages , and meet
Sent , and Facebook websites
To open the facility. It easily
You can use the
One of your browser toolbar
Will adapt .
6. Photons (photon)
It only works for Chrome browser
The . A photon Facebook photo
Adds a menu with which you
Easily upload photos to Facebook ,
To download or to edit
Parabenakrapa , filter and frame
Edit function for function
There 's a pop -up menu .

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